Evolution Of Technology (Week 6)

 All of the information we perceive is encoded, which our brain decodes in order to comprehend and make sense of it. Everything, including recorded video, audio, written text, and spoken language, is a code that must be decoded by the brain; if the brain does not understand a language, the code cannot be decrypted.

People's perceptions of time and their experiences differ, and one's experience is deemed the best by that individual. Time flies whether we are joyful or merely surfing on YouTube, and we experience time differently when viewing a movie in a dark theatre.

We've become impatient as a result of the internet's rapid bandwidth usage; anything slower looks annoying and dull. Speed and memory are irrevocably addicting; once we've been accustomed to quick internet and big storage capacities in our electronic gadgets, we won't be able to go back.

The following passage from the book is a new understanding for me; I enjoy watching classic romcoms and sitcoms because they soothe my mind, but now I understand why, and it was a pleasant sensation that made me ponder.

I believe that people have a natural tendency to associate things. Many people find it difficult to see their lives as a series of events or as a single tale. Taking breaks is necessary to take in the constant working pattern we follow.


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