Evolution Of Technology (Week 3)

 The film 2001: A Space Odyssey, which was released in 1968, was the subject of discussion in class. In the movie, we showcased ten items that we felt were incredibly cool.

The monolith, and how popular the symbolism of it in the film is still recognised and adored by everybody, is the best part in the entire movie for me. While viewing the movie, I got a fascinating realisation about the re-emergence of the monolith in 2020, first in Utah and subsequently in many other areas throughout the world.

The design of the spaceship and the lunar base, for example, was pretty impressive. Another issue brought up in class was that the automobile on the television that the protagonist was seeing was similarly built to be ahead of its time. Despite the fact that the image appeared on the screen for only a fraction of a second and in the background, the creators paid attention to it and created it. The movie's attention to detail was incredible.


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