Evolution Of Technology (Week 4)

 “The discovery of the alphabet will create forgetfulness

in the learners’ souls, because they will not

use their memories; they will trust to the external

written characters and not remember of themselves”

It is true that individuals have ceased making an effort to remember things since it is now so simple to write everything down, set a reminder, or just store people's phone numbers. We don't have to recall anything anymore, and the main reason for this is written language. Life has been easier, and men and women have become lazier as a result of written language.

The author jots down his ideas. When the reader does the opposite while reading these written down ideas, the interpretation changes; it is no longer the truth; it is the truth as perceived by the reader, which may or may not be the same as what the author meant. When this interpretation is passed down from one person to the next, the eventual product will be far from accurate.

Plato considers song to be "a poison and an adversary of the people." According to him, it obstructs learning since people prefer to merely sing lyrics to the melody and forget about the message. It was not required to comprehend the poetry in Greek culture; instead, the only crucial thing was to sing it in order to elicit a psychological response in the listener. Plato fought against the oral, poetized mode of knowledge communication.

The Beatles' songs certainly create an atmosphere, but it's a fictitious one that only exists when you're listening to them. Even the band members are only The Beatles when they are together and singing their songs.

Is it necessary to build a strong memory? True, a person with a good memory may be faster than others and may even have more self-confidence, but in today's society, even the most powerful memory may begin to question itself and consult the internet for information correctness.

Because we are so visually oriented, we refer to our greatest individuals as visionaries or seers. People don't trust what they hear unless they see it for themselves. Many apps and products that are being created and have been produced, in my opinion, have taken advantage of people's psyche. Even I have had this experience before: when I hear a familiar sound, I have a notion of who made it, but this is only verified when I see it.

In this written world, the opposite is also true. To create an aural sensation, authors utilise adjectives, adverbs, pauses, and other effects. When we write or text someone in regular life, we use such effects to transmit the message's tone and create an audio sense in the recipient.

According to John Cage, everyone is in the greatest seat in the house. Everything you do becomes music if music is inspired by actual life. The world is a theatre, and theatre takes place all the time, with scenes and characters changing all the time. As a result, we should just perform our jobs.

Because of printing, the notion of copyright was born. Humanity could not prevent individuals from exchanging information without copyright, but now the world is focused on copying their creations. Is it possible to sincerely claim ownership of an idea? Is a concept truly ORIGINAL? NOO!!

All ideas are borrowed and developed, and the concept of copyright has given people concepts of celebrity and the habit of viewing creative labour as private property.

Television is not the same as a book in terms of visual resources. Both are seen in quite different ways. Showing individuals a life that is better than their current situation creates a longing in their hearts.


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