Evolution Of Technology (Week 9)

 The race to make 3-D printing technology available to the general public. The battle between huge corporations and tiny businesses is genuine, and it's simple for giant corporations to squash new inventions like MakerBot or Formlabs. However, despite the tough competition, these firms were able to succeed because to their innovative ideas, engineering, and perseverance. This has to be the finest documentary I've seen in class thus far.

MakerBot, which began as a tiny business, has risen to tremendous heights. They sought to maintain their data open-source so there would be no barriers to creativity, but as they grew, they switched to closed source, and the company's basis had shifted.

Everything has a positive and bad side, and 3D printers are no exception. People were shown utilising it to build firearms and prosthetics in the programme.

Formlabs introduced a new approach of 3D printing using lasers, resulting in a more precise and high-quality end product. Their path from launching a Kickstarter campaign to receiving a large number of orders to ultimately being able to ship the items, despite several issues such as months of delays and a change in administration, was an inspirational one to follow.


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