
Evolution Of Technology (Week 10)

  ‘ In Which Annie Gives It Those Ones ’ by Arundhati Roy on YouTube Even in an architectural institution where students are supposed to be creative, think differently, and explore, the video demonstrated how closed minded the lecturers were. A few situations also demonstrated how stereotypes about women persist. Students from various origins and attitudes are seen battling and forming friendships. The sorts of pupils seen in the film, as well as the pressure and enthusiasm of students to learn what occurred in their friends' reviews and what may happen in their own, had a lot of parallels.

Evolution Of Technology (Week 9)

 The race to make 3-D printing technology available to the general public. The battle between huge corporations and tiny businesses is genuine, and it's simple for giant corporations to squash new inventions like MakerBot or Formlabs. However, despite the tough competition, these firms were able to succeed because to their innovative ideas, engineering, and perseverance. This has to be the finest documentary I've seen in class thus far. MakerBot, which began as a tiny business, has risen to tremendous heights. They sought to maintain their data open-source so there would be no barriers to creativity, but as they grew, they switched to closed source, and the company's basis had shifted. Everything has a positive and bad side, and 3D printers are no exception. People were shown utilising it to build firearms and prosthetics in the programme. Formlabs introduced a new approach of 3D printing using lasers, resulting in a more precise and high-quality end product. Their path fro

Evolution Of Technology (Week 8)

Because of competition, the gaming business has evolved into what it is now. Nintendo and Sega's quest for earnings spawned a slew of fresh ideas. Sega levelled up and delivered the 16-bit games with the Sega Genesis, which was higher up in terms of visuals and experience, since Nintendo was still in 8-bit games and Sega recognised there was no more improvement in 8-bit gaming to be done. Video games had previously been thought of as a toy to be played by teenagers to pass the time, but Sega marketed them as an enjoyable pastime for adults as well. The industry flourished as more people became interested in playing video games, and the effects can now be seen. Dota, Valorant, Fortnite, and more games have tournaments with large cash awards. Many gamers all across the world are turning their hobby into a career. All of this occurred due to the transition from 8-bit gaming in the 1980s to 128-bit gaming today, and maybe even higher in the near future.

Evolution Of Technology (Week 7)

 Mid Semester Review

Evolution Of Technology (Week 6)

 All of the information we perceive is encoded, which our brain decodes in order to comprehend and make sense of it. Everything, including recorded video, audio, written text, and spoken language, is a code that must be decoded by the brain; if the brain does not understand a language, the code cannot be decrypted. People's perceptions of time and their experiences differ, and one's experience is deemed the best by that individual. Time flies whether we are joyful or merely surfing on YouTube, and we experience time differently when viewing a movie in a dark theatre. We've become impatient as a result of the internet's rapid bandwidth usage; anything slower looks annoying and dull. Speed and memory are irrevocably addicting; once we've been accustomed to quick internet and big storage capacities in our electronic gadgets, we won't be able to go back. The following passage from the book is a new understanding for me; I enjoy watching classic romcoms and sitcoms b

Evolution OF Technology (Week 5)

The Medium is the Massage was the theme of this lesson. We debated whether portion of the novel was the most enjoyable for us. Parts of the book that discussed how the tools we create design us back and how these things have become an extension of ourselves really changed my perspective. It made me realise how reliant we have gotten on technology in particular. For me, the human reliance on pictures and lack of faith in our hearing capabilities was also a shock.

Evolution Of Technology (Week 4)

  “The discovery of the alphabet will create forgetfulness in the learners’ souls, because they will not use their memories; they will trust to the external written characters and not remember of themselves” It is true that individuals have ceased making an effort to remember things since it is now so simple to write everything down, set a reminder, or just store people's phone numbers. We don't have to recall anything anymore, and the main reason for this is written language. Life has been easier, and men and women have become lazier as a result of written language. The author jots down his ideas. When the reader does the opposite while reading these written down ideas, the interpretation changes; it is no longer the truth; it is the truth as perceived by the reader, which may or may not be the same as what the author meant. When this interpretation is passed down from one person to the next, the eventual product will be far from accurate. Plato considers song to be "a po