
Showing posts from September, 2021

Evolution Of Technology (Week 6)

 All of the information we perceive is encoded, which our brain decodes in order to comprehend and make sense of it. Everything, including recorded video, audio, written text, and spoken language, is a code that must be decoded by the brain; if the brain does not understand a language, the code cannot be decrypted. People's perceptions of time and their experiences differ, and one's experience is deemed the best by that individual. Time flies whether we are joyful or merely surfing on YouTube, and we experience time differently when viewing a movie in a dark theatre. We've become impatient as a result of the internet's rapid bandwidth usage; anything slower looks annoying and dull. Speed and memory are irrevocably addicting; once we've been accustomed to quick internet and big storage capacities in our electronic gadgets, we won't be able to go back. The following passage from the book is a new understanding for me; I enjoy watching classic romcoms and sitcoms b

Evolution OF Technology (Week 5)

The Medium is the Massage was the theme of this lesson. We debated whether portion of the novel was the most enjoyable for us. Parts of the book that discussed how the tools we create design us back and how these things have become an extension of ourselves really changed my perspective. It made me realise how reliant we have gotten on technology in particular. For me, the human reliance on pictures and lack of faith in our hearing capabilities was also a shock.

Evolution Of Technology (Week 4)

  “The discovery of the alphabet will create forgetfulness in the learners’ souls, because they will not use their memories; they will trust to the external written characters and not remember of themselves” It is true that individuals have ceased making an effort to remember things since it is now so simple to write everything down, set a reminder, or just store people's phone numbers. We don't have to recall anything anymore, and the main reason for this is written language. Life has been easier, and men and women have become lazier as a result of written language. The author jots down his ideas. When the reader does the opposite while reading these written down ideas, the interpretation changes; it is no longer the truth; it is the truth as perceived by the reader, which may or may not be the same as what the author meant. When this interpretation is passed down from one person to the next, the eventual product will be far from accurate. Plato considers song to be "a po

Evolution Of Technology (Week 3)

  The film 2001: A Space Odyssey, which was released in 1968, was the subject of discussion in class. In the movie, we showcased ten items that we felt were incredibly cool. The monolith, and how popular the symbolism of it in the film is still recognised and adored by everybody, is the best part in the entire movie for me. While viewing the movie, I got a fascinating realisation about the re-emergence of the monolith in 2020, first in Utah and subsequently in many other areas throughout the world. The design of the spaceship and the lunar base, for example, was pretty impressive. Another issue brought up in class was that the automobile on the television that the protagonist was seeing was similarly built to be ahead of its time. Despite the fact that the image appeared on the screen for only a fraction of a second and in the background, the creators paid attention to it and created it. The movie's attention to detail was incredible.

Evolution Of Technology (Week 2)

   "The tools we create, design us back," was a turning point in my thinking. The debate of how humans create tools that become so integrated into our life that they become extensions of us, altering our behaviour patterns and decisions. Why would a person in the twenty-first century prefer a button phone to a smartphone? Because of the evolution of technology, we have changed our preferences and choices; there were times when typing on a button phone was not a problem, but now it seems impossible; we do not have the patience for it; smartphones have made our lives easier, and no one wants to go back to the old way of doing things. Similarly, the wheel has become an extension of our foot, as have our skin's garments. Everywhere you look, you can see how important written language is. It aids in the clear communication of messages, the planning of towns, cities, and maps, the elimination of ambiguity, the writing of historical accounts for future generations to witness, an